
Today was truly our last day in the garden–pulling tomato plants, salvaging the very last of what there was to salvage.

Mostly tomatoes, but also a small handful of onions. We pulled up the cages and stakes, stored them in the loft above the tool shed. Rolled up the hoses. Talked about what a good time we’d had, and how we’d miss this.

We said, “See you at the library!”

We said, “Goodbye, garden!”

We said, “Thank you.”



Pears! Pears! Everywheres!

Sunday we picked 2 large boxes & 1 bag of beautiful organic pears from the tree at the Library Community Garden!

We delivered the largest box to the Crossroads Urban Center today and they were extremely thrilled! – the 3rd bag went to one of our branches with Derek.

We’ve been talking about these pears all summer, waiting and waiting until they were finally ripe enough for a climb up the ladder. Who knew we’d get so many?
-Darrah and SC

Friends and Firsts

Sunday, June 17th, 2012

So we were not alone in the garden today, in our tireless, never-ending battle against the weeds (I’m looking at YOU, morning glory…)

AND, we are already seeing the fruits (and veggies) of our labor. Check it out:

Bryant explained that radishes basically pull themselves–they start to peek up their little pink or red tops out of the dirt, and with the slightest tug, you’ve got yourself a snack.

This little garden would also like to wish a very happy Father’s Day to all of the garden-loving dads out there! Here, we picked these for you:


To Weed or Not To Weed…

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

Really, though, it’s not even a question–weed we must! Constantly, because charming devils like the amaranth purselane (see here) pictured above, though edible (spicy, like arugula), are over-running our best laid plans of mice and gardeners!

We now have special, triangular-shaped tools for weeding between the furrows, but everything else must be done by hand. It’s time consuming, painstaking, and of course absolutely necessary. Look at what a difference it makes:

This, however, represents only about an hour of work.

Do you have any special techniques for staying on top of weeding in your garden?



Sunday, May 6th, 2012

First things first: pull everything up.

That means weeding, a very polarizing past-time. See, there are those who love nothing more than yanking a gritty, trespassing weed from its comfortable squat in your garden. Then there are others who can’t bring themselves to uproot such a delicate, vibrant green sprout, no matter how imposing its presence.

Also weeding is hard work, and some people are lazy.

But not us! Next up: tilling.

-SC, with photo by Bryant

Touring the Garden

Sunday, April 29th, 2012

Today we met our garden! It’s located in the southwest area of Salt Lake City proper, near 21st South and 5th East.

Bryant gave us the tour, and a bit of the garden’s history. This space, which is part of some very kind and generous people’s backyard, has been utilized for a few years now to get organically-grown food to the people. BUG Farms uses the space as well. This year they’re growing grains.

We went over the rules and picked out what crops we’d like to plant. You can look forward to corn, beans, squash, tomatoes, basil, and much more!

But first, we had to clear out the old to make room for the new. So…

…today’s work was all about pulling up drip-line and weeds…

…to make room for a Garden City.